Consume Food That Has High Fiber Content

1.Consume Food That Has High Fiber Content
Food products with high fiber content are very satisfying and filling. This is due to the fact that fiber does take up space in the stomach, thus, suppressing appetite and causing us to eat less. Furthermore, a high fiber diet will strengthen our digestive system. Sufferers of constipation and piles ought to increase their consumption of high fiber foods to alleviate their conditions. However, it is recommended that a high fiber diet is complemented with a high consumption of fluids.

Sources of fiber: Psyllium Husk, cereal products such as Job’s-tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), oat, brown rice and sea grass. Vegetables and fruits such as oranges, papayas, prunes, etc. PHHP Phyto Fiber contains the health benefits of all the above-mentioned foods.

2. Increase Your Water Intake

Drinking more water will help purge our kidneys of toxins. When a person drinks little water, his kidney will function at an inefficient rate, thus putting a strain on the liver, which is responsible for metabolism to take place. This would result in a lesser amount of fats being burnt, causing the body to store up this excess fats instead. As such, you should drink more water in order to reap health benefits, and your skin complexion will also improve.

3. Regular Body Workouts

Regular workouts will increase our metabolism rate of fat-burning. This will not only boost our blood circulation, it will also lift up our spirits. Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week for the maximum benefit to your health.

4. Consume Healthy Fats

It is commonly agreed that in order to achieve weight loss, the most important thing to do is to cut down on our fat intake. However, not all the fats are harmful to our health. Fats are divided into good and bad fats. An acceptable range for total energy intake is 20-35% from fat. Fat is a rich source of energy and is important for containing vitamin A, D, E, K and certain antioxidants. Such fats will satisfy your hunger pangs, but take care not to overeat as this will cause weight gain. Needless to say, we should opt for good fats such as Omega-3 (fish oil), Omega-6 (may found in Evening Primrose Oil) or vegetable oil.

5. Consume Food Products That Are Green In Colour

Food products that are green contain close to zero calorie and energy value. Examples include moss and sea grass. However, they are extremely crucial to the nourishment of our bodies. Such nutrients would boost our immune system and hydrate our skin, hair and nails. An intake of the PHHP Phyto Greens would help you reap all the health benefits as mentioned.

Where Can You Find Nutritious Food Products?
We provide PHHP Phyto Greens, which contains 12 types of plant extracts to replenish the nutrients that your body lacks. Furthermore, PHHP Phyto Fiber contains a rich source of natural fiber such as, Roselle, Oat, Psyllium Husk, Cereals, etc. Not only can PHHP Phyto Fiber aid constipation problems, it can also help in controlling body weight.

From here on, you can achieve a fab figure and a healthy body!