Cancer & Oxygen Deficiency

Have you ever heard or been in a situation where someone you know or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer? This must be shocking and many questions would come to mind such as the medical cost, the cause of the disease, chances of living and etc.

Today, cancer is the most dreaded disease. According to WHO (World Health Organizations), cancer contributes the most number of death in the world. In 2005, 7.6 million (13%) out of 25 million deaths are related to cancer. The saddest thing is that about 40% cases of cancer can be prevented by changing our lifestyles such as exercising, maintaining a balance diet and stop smoking.

Lung Cancer—No 1 Killer
In Malaysia, lung cancer is the No. 1 killer compared to other type of cancer. The bad news is that 95% of lung cancer patients died after 5 years of diagnosis.

Oxygen Deficiency & Cancer
Healthy body needs healthy cell that can be obtained from balance nutrition, sufficient amount of water and oxygen. Oxygen deficiency will cause abnormal cell metabolisme, further on to weaken immune system and most probably lead to cancer/mutation. Cancer cells only grow in a condition where there is lack of oxygen or no oxygen at all.

With current environment that are prone to less oxygen in atmosphere, imbalanced diet, less exercise, polluted environment, etc exposing us to more risk of oxygen insufficiency disease.

Thus, it is very important that everyone should get enough oxygen to help stop cell mutation/cancerous. We can achieve this by exercising, relaxing, stop smoking, etc. Food supplement which are rich in germanium and polysaccharide can help improve and increase oxygen level in our bloodstream. PHHP Royal Spora Lingzhi is an added supplement that can help us to get sufficient oxygen and can improve our health.

What is Lingzhi?
Lingzhi is known in Japan as “Reishi” , “Yeongji” in Korea and “Herbs from Heaven” in China. Its botanical name is Ganoderma Lucidium. Some even called it “King of Herbs”. No matter what it is, the Lingzhi’s function is as great as it is called.
What Is The Advantage Of Lingzhi’s Spore?
Only 1 kg Lingzhi spores can be produced by every 1000kg of Lingzhi. According to medical research, Lingzhi’s spore powder contains protein (18.2%), polysaccharide (8.39%) and acid amino (6%), which is higher than Lingzhi’s fruit body. No wonder Lingzhi’s spores are so valuable and hard to find.

Naturally, seeds and spores have hard layered walls, make it difficult to digest. Thus, its nutrient cannot be absorbed by human body easily. PHHP Royal Spora Lingzhi uses sophisticated ultrasound technology to break the hard layered walls while maintaining its’ spores crack at an average of 95% or more. This process is done in a low temperature to make sure all essential properties are sustained.

The following are four main properties of Linghzi’s spore and their functions:-

1. Organic Germanium
It helps increase the absorption of oxygen in our bloodstream and provides cells with enough oxygen. Therefore, this can help increase the metabolic rate and slows down cells ageing. Besides that, it also help increases our immune system, cleanse the blood and strengthen the artery.

2. Polysaccharide
The main function of polysaccharide is to reduce cancer risk, to improve immune system and to stimulate healthy defense cells. Besides that, it also acts as an antioxidant, strengthen the liver function and many more.

3. Triterpene Compound
Triterpene gives positive effects such as to reduce risk of tumor growth, reduces allergy & inflammation, reduce cholesterol level, improves intestine’s health and stimulates blood flows. According to clinical research, triterpene compound also contains the characteristic of anticoagulations where it can avoid abnormal thrombus growth and help control blood pressure level.

4. Nucleoside Compound
Adenosine is the main substance in nucleoside compound. It stimulates blood flows, prevent platelet clog and cleanse the thrombus. It also promotes normal cells growth and many more.

In addition to the above, Lingzhi also contains 17 amino acid, alkaloid, soy bean protein, sterol, cumaric essence, glycoside, vitamin, enzyme and 13 other essentials minerals.